I am aged 12 years or over.
There is a risk of injury when playing paintball. Including but not limited to bodily injury, strains, fractures, loss of eyesight or hearing, exposure to insect bites, slips, falls, collisions with other people, permeant disability or death. To minimize the risk, we use protective equipment, and personal discipline is required to help minimize the risk.
I fully understand the risks involved in playing paintball and that this can be caused by my own actions or the actions of others playing or the conditions of the event.
I understand that playing paintball I may get bruises, or my skin may be broken by a fired paintball. They may be rabbit holes, Slippy surfaces, broken trees plus other hazards when playing paintball. I am fully aware of the hazards.
I am fully aware of the risk to myself, and others involved in paintballing and that I will never under any circumstances deliberately shoot anyone in the face, head, or neck.
I will wear goggles and will not remove them whilst in the playing area. (This includes all areas except the safe area) I understand that I will be removed from site for my own safety if I do not comply with safety procedures. I will comply with the rules and use all equipment as instructed and not to injure or hurt others.
I will not shoot another player or staff member within 5 mts
I will not take my paintball marker into the safezone
I have no medical condition that would prevent me from playing paintball. (Please make the game manager aware if you use an inhaler or any other medical aid)
If I chose to participate in paintball I would do so knowing and freely. I understand that there will be known and unknown, foreseeable, and unforeseeable risk
I fully accept all risks and all responsibility for losses or injury.
I agree to follow the rules of the games, listen any member of Yorkshire tactical activities staff members and to wear the protective equipment provided by Yorkshire Tactical Activities
I will only use pyrotechnics as instructed by the game manager and in accordance with the manufacturers printed instructions on the pyrotechnic. I will endeavour not to throw a pyrotechnic device within 15 metres of another player.
I will pay any charges incurred before leaving the site. I acknowledge I will pay and failure to pay will result in a £25 admin charge.
I also agree to pay any administration charges, which might occur because of cheques being returned, or credit card payments being declined.
I will only use paintballs supplied by YORKSHIRE TACTICAL ACTIVITIES I have read and fully understood this agreement. If found to be using my own paintballs, I will be asked to leave site with no refund.
I understand that purchases of paintballs are full and final, and no refunds will be given under any circumstances. Please only buy what you think you will need.
The price of paintballs shown is final and will not be reduced under any circumstances.
Any threatening or aggressive behaviour, including intimidation tactics towards any member of staff or other players will not be tolerated. You will be asked to leave site without refund.
I agree to return all hire equipment at the end of the session
I consent for mine or any minor I am signing for photograph to be taken for use on social media or marketing purposes.
I understand that vehicles parked in the carpark at the owners own risk